Wednesday, October 21, 2015

Daily Daze - October 21, 2015

Thought of the Day
Heart, Diamonds, Clubs, Spades ... If it's in the cards then it is meant to be.  So you play the hand that your dealt.  If you just calculate the odds away, you never get in the game.   You miss opportunity because you get caught up in a future that was never founded in a present. So everything passes.  You don't play the game, you may not lose but you definitely will never win.  

Life and love is a gamble.  The odds bode well if you at least know what cards your willing to go all in with or which ones you need to fold.  Would you really double down with a person who hasn't already got you in aces?  

So hearts before diamonds... Clubs before spades...

Why the heck did this come up?  It amazes me how many people believe you have control of this life.  The dollars don't make sense in matters of the heart.  The means don't make the ends when you don't have passion and purpose.  

There is no doubt that compatibility is a critical component for a long lasting relationship. Love can't conquer all, but love is the foundation upon which you can build a relationship that can conquer all.  There is no doubt that we feel compelled to feel secure in our decisions.  

So in lies the conversation...a crazy fun conversation that throws everyone for a loop but really it's just a roller coaster ride of what ifs!

Bottom line:  to thine own self be true... Stop perpetuating a portrait of falsehood to hide a real human being... 

Do you wanna get married?
Do you want to have kids?
The irony to these questions is ... Do you fear commitment?  Do you fear failure?  Do you fear success?

Heck those marriage and babies questions irrleevant when there is no who!  it is a moot point to answer.

So here are a set of real questions... Do you trust in your own self to be open to love someone?  Do you know who you want to be with?  Do you know what you want in a partnership?  Do you know what you want of your friends?  Do you know what family is?  Do you know what kind of family you want to have?  

When you have those answers then you are set on a path... But even when you find the matches... There may not be a fire... It takes a spark... It takes that moment when your head tilts and you say "roh oh"... And when you find that person... You'll imagine what sacrifice is and would still be willing to endure...  When you find the one you see hardship and feel empowered to work through it.  When you find the one, you feel invincible... Not debilitated... 

Who would you go out on the limb for?  Who has made you want to go out of your way for? Who makes you go that extra mile for?  Who makes you smile because ya get to see them?  Who makes you sing when you can't hold a note?  Who makes ya feel a power beyond what money can ever buy?  

Doesn't happen often ... And the timing might be off... But people inspire ... And if you're lucky enough for that mutual
Inspiration and admiration... That's priceless!

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