Thursday, October 15, 2015

Daily Daze - October 15, 2015

Thought of the Day
Coincidence or Fate... Does it really matter what brings us to this moment?  The truth lies not in the event, but what drives us through the moment at hand.  A choice based in love vs. that based in fear.  A choice to commit to a thought... A choice to laze away the day.  Are we fated?  Are we destined?  Are we doomed?  Or does free will, in accordance with the gift or curse, need or want?  Free will.. one would assume is a blessing.  The idea that we are in control, to choose and somehow believe that the outcome was based on a singular gesture.   Or was it a interwoven, composition, of spider created webs and labyrinth like puzzles upon which we move about, but only realize the fate and destiny has been defined.  We are moved to a simple moment... engage and exchange... then move on with a lasting impression or a fleeting thought.    Are we pulled, are we prodded, or does circumstance form from chaotic randomness?  A part of the equation is gravity...

GRAVITY... The nature of gravity is fascinating.  A mass imposing on another mass a force too powerful for either to overcome.  The imposition of gravity,  a law of attraction... the draw of souls, minds, hearts...  We are all drawn together to make sense of this world.

I love Sara Bareilles' Gravity... "Set me free, leave me be... I don't want to fall another moment into your gravity... "

Daily Dose
I had a day of simply cool moments.  I can only hope everyone can stop and appreciate the conversations that have meaning in your world.  The day started with wanting to eat eggs... brought me to Egg McMuffin, Ms. Pac Man and the opportunity to observe a newbie work the joystick.  At super speed.. Ms Pac is tough, so watching that anxiety rise was pure entertainment for me.  A quick jaunt to a caffeine haven and some SERIAL conversation started the afternoon, matched with some zen, relaxation conversation methods... led its way to a helping hand moment, trying to ease the burden of chaos with a dose of reality and necessity.  Football trades and a quick quiz later.. CUB SOCS DC...  Heading to workout - ville.. In workout - ville, legs, arms and abs take a beating, but negotiations and lost weight ensue...  Hitting a 6 pound loss over working out and eating more consciously were totally key...  Before you know it though, the HANGRY kicked in and found my way to in-n-out... where fun conversations with the least likely of "run into" folks ensued...

The details of the conversations are MOOT...  The beauty of the conversations was the GIFT.

Living life...  Laughing life... Learning life... Loving Life... Fighting for Life

To all those who conversed with me today... THANK YOU...  Through terse or in-depth, through heated or benign, through passionate and indifferent...  The exchange, not only of words, but of gestures and emotion...  The roller coaster of life is based on the relationships bestowed upon us.

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