Friday, January 1, 2016

My Heart and Soul: My Daki Boy

I love you Dakota!

You are my handsome pup and I will love my Daki Boy forever. You gave me the gift of your time the last 2 months sharing our last holiday season.  With long walks and sitting atop the hill overlooking the valley below, you gave me joy and strength.  Thank you for being my strong willed baby boy.  My puppy, you deserve your place in heaven. 

Thank you for always loving me unconditionally. I will miss how when I couldn't find you, you were laying at my feet. I loved how you barked at the beach as a new pup and just wanted attention.  I loved how you would start up the stairs then look back and wait for me. You were always the gentlemen.  You were the meet and greet puppy at the park. You loved the splash of the sprinkler on your face. I will alway love how you greeted me by running under my legs and how I would squeeze you back. I loved that you would dance and leap up into my arms. I will miss how you would sneakily jump up to my bed when you thought I was asleep. I never minded you circling on the bed, laying down and taking up all the space. I loved having you sleep with us… Montana and I love you and will miss your love and warmth. My little red baby boy you chose me when you stayed at my feet the day I chose you from the litter of pups… You stole my heart and you will forever be in my heart and in my mind and in my soul.

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