Sunday, October 11, 2015

Daily Daze - October 11, 2015

Thought of the Day

When you're feeling down and out, just moving through the motions.  When you get a bit inebriated, you feel like you own the world.  When you are ok, the world tends not to be.  So what should we feel?  Normal is abnormal when the world has gone crazy.  Drinking away your pain is a temporary relief from a real world.  When you're sick, your body is asking you to stop living and existing.  The world, however, wants you to be yourself.  So when will it just be good ... Good... GOOD!

It's only GOOD when you don't feel... even if it is real...

It's only GOOD when you don't mind... even when your mind knows better

It's only GOOD when you let it go... and your critique no longer flows.

It's only GOOD when you stop drop and roll.

When you have to only take care of the bare necessities will you know what it means.

When you have everything and nothing can convene... In the whirlwind of thoughts...

In the blink of eyes... In the plays in the mind... It's crazy talk really.

When you focus is when you don't...

When you don't is when you do...

Whatever it is ... it is the opposite of true.

Walk into the sun... get burned or sequester. 

Walk into the cold... bundle up or be susceptible.

For it is not the cold that gets you sick... but your body's inability to react to the trick...

The cool on your skin... when you swelter in heat

The draw of the ocean...  for the sun we cannot defeat

Escape only to be trapped in another tale.

Escape only to find that the freedom is jail.

The opposite of everything is what we are...

For in our choice, we only wish upon a star.

As if the choice has any great meaning...

Or is it just a choose your adventure ... to a page empty ... it is leading?

Can't we laugh at the premise of this existence?

Can't we grow larger than this estranged living persistence?

We keep waking and forsaking all that life has to offer.

Only questioning our truth and always intolerant of our growth.

We can't be real.. but there is a struggle for sure

We can't be fake... for the others will forsake

We can't be playing .. when all other's are seriously contemplating.

We can't be serious when all the other's foolishly pontificating.

Trapped in this world.

Waiting for a story to unfurl.

A story that leads to an ending..
That i'm not privy to pretend..

For what is this life..
So filled with strife
That the moments of joy so fleeting
And my heart soul and body want to retreat from?

It's stupid.

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