Monday, May 18, 2015

Daily Daze - May 18, 2015

Topic 1 - Being There... 
  1.  The ability to understand and share the feelings of another.
  1. sympathetic pity and concern for the sufferings or misfortunes of others.

So even if you have empathy and compassion, it is an entirely different thing to act on it appropriately.  If you really think about it, the problem, the issues and the sympathy are not directed to you.  So what do you do when someone you care for is hurting?  What do you do when you want to reach out, but you don't want to dig too deep?  Such the quandary.  The truth is you turn inwardly and search for how you would want to be handled and cared for.  However, projecting that truth onto someone else probably won't work.  We're different.  So what do you do?  You feel empathy and you are compassionate, but what does it look like?  And who are we trying to help?

Simple reality:
*  Let the person know you are there and care
*  Open your arms as widely as possible, but allow them to walk in
*  Hold them when they need to be held
*  Encourage them when they need to be challenged

We can't protect each other from pain.  We can only help to endure, heal and recover from the pain.

Topic 2 - Being Square... or rectangle or circle or <<fill in shape>>
Finding someone else is really all about acknowledging one's self
Had a fun conversation which led to a simple idea

*  Know who you are right now - be open to acknowledge your successes, failures, bright lights and dim moments
*  Know who you want to be - see your future self, so that you can endure all the challenges which will get you there.
*  Know who you want to be surrounded by - see your family and friends

I basically thought... if you at least got these things in mind, the "RIGHT PERSON" will find their way to you.

Knowing who you are now with all the flaws, allows you to be the most real person to whomever you are introducing yourself to...
Knowing who you want to be, allows you to accept the challenges that well intentioned people will lay before you to move you in that direction
Knowing who you want in your life is the true destination.  In that circle is where you want "the one" to be.

It's funny how we get so stressed, depressed and obsessed with wishing on a star.  When all along the star is waiting to break through inside of you.  When you live your life with your ideals and your God given being... amazing people will come into and out of your life.

At least it's fun to think you have control somewhere in this world...

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